(You will find an English version further down on this page)
Auckland den 14 mars
Auckland den 14 mars
Groucho Marx was partly known to
"chase" young girls. When he was in his 80s he was asked by
a reporter if he was still as energetic on "running" after
young girls.
-Yes, he replied, but only downhill.
-Yes, he replied, but only downhill.
Det är ungefär så jag känner för
cykling just nu. Känner mig liten sliten i ”påkarna.” Dessutom
är det tropiskt varmt och har så varit alltsedan jag kom hit.
Planerar för en avslutande cykling i
Northland, området norr om Auckland. Tar antagligen buss upp till
Kaitaia eller Kerikeri och cyklar tillbaka till Auckland.
Den mest påtagliga skillnaden mot när
jag var här 2006 är dels att det asiatiska inslaget blivit
betydligt större men kanske framför allt att trafiken har blivit
mer intensiv. Som framgår av tidningarnas nyheter har det utvecklats
till en allt hårdare konflikt mellan bilister och cyklister. T ex i
samband med en cykeltävling i Taupo hoppade en bilist ur sin bil och
knuffade cyklister av vägen, och på insädarsidorna kan man
regelbundet läsa om cyklister som blivit provokativt prejade och
fått läskedrycksburkar kastade på sig. Jag upplever att det blivit
mer trångt om utrymmet på vägarna.
Och mycket riktigt. Solid Energy´s boss
Don Elder fick kicken, men kvarstår som fri konsult till företaget
med oförändrar lön!!! Man känner igen det.
Och beträffande den ”svenske
institutionelle investeraren” som köpt upp åtta mjölkgårdar här
på Nordön, är det med all säkerhet 1:a AP-fonden som satsat
pensonspengar. Så här skriver Per Nygren på GP i ett mail till
Första AP-fonden har nyligen
investerat cirka 700 miljoner kronor i mjölkproduktion, spannmål
och djurhållning på ett 30-tal gårdar. Har också investerat i
Första AP-fonden, som förvaltar drygt 221 miljarder kronor, har investerat 100 miljoner dollar, cirka 700 miljoner kronor, i mjölkproduktion, spannmål och djurhållning i ett 30-tal gårdar i Australien och på Nya Zeeland.
Första AP-fonden, som förvaltar drygt 221 miljarder kronor, har investerat 100 miljoner dollar, cirka 700 miljoner kronor, i mjölkproduktion, spannmål och djurhållning i ett 30-tal gårdar i Australien och på Nya Zeeland.
För övrigt har jag lite av
hemlängtan. Saknar barn, barnbarn och vänner. Saknar inte minst
fikamorgnarna med Bosse H och killarna i kalkonklubben.
Men jag kommer den 10 maj!
Vi hörs
English version:
Groucho Marx was partly known to "chase" young girls. When he was in his 80s he was asked by a reporter if he was still as energetic on "running" after young girls.
-Yes, he replied, but only downhill.
That's about how I feel for cycling right now. Feeling a little worn in the leggs. Moreover, it is still tropical hot and has been so ever since I came here.
Plans for a final cycling in Northland, the area north of Auckland. I take probably bus up to Kaitaia and Kerikeri and bikes back to Auckland.
The most noticeable difference from when I was here in 2006 is the Asian population has become much larger, but perhaps most significant is that traffic has become extremely more intense. As the newspapers reports it has evolved into an increasing conflict between motorists and cyclists. For example, during a bike race in Taupo a motorist jumped out of his car and pushed cyclists off the road, and on "letters to the editor" one can regularly read about cyclists who have been provocative intercepted and got soda cans thrown at them. I feel that it has become an intense struggle for space on the new zealand roads.
And sure enough. Solid Energy's boss Don Elder was firedas I predicted in my latest report, but he remains as a free consultant to the company without changing the salary! Hmm!
And as for the "Swedish institutional investor" who bought eight dairy farms here in the North Island, it is almost certainly the first AP fund that invested swedish people pension money. As Per Nygren at the swedish newspaper GP wrote in an email:
First AP Fund has recently invested approximately $ 700 million in dairy, grain and livestock at 30 or so farms. Has also invested in Australia.
First AP fund, which manages more than 221 billion, has invested $100 million in dairy, grain and livestock in some 30 farms in Australia and New Zealand.
By the way, I´m a bit of homesickness. Missing children, grandchildren and friends. Lacks especially coffee mornings with Bosse H and the guys in Movie club.
But I will see you on the 10th of May!
Groucho Marx was partly known to "chase" young girls. When he was in his 80s he was asked by a reporter if he was still as energetic on "running" after young girls.
-Yes, he replied, but only downhill.
That's about how I feel for cycling right now. Feeling a little worn in the leggs. Moreover, it is still tropical hot and has been so ever since I came here.
Plans for a final cycling in Northland, the area north of Auckland. I take probably bus up to Kaitaia and Kerikeri and bikes back to Auckland.
The most noticeable difference from when I was here in 2006 is the Asian population has become much larger, but perhaps most significant is that traffic has become extremely more intense. As the newspapers reports it has evolved into an increasing conflict between motorists and cyclists. For example, during a bike race in Taupo a motorist jumped out of his car and pushed cyclists off the road, and on "letters to the editor" one can regularly read about cyclists who have been provocative intercepted and got soda cans thrown at them. I feel that it has become an intense struggle for space on the new zealand roads.
And sure enough. Solid Energy's boss Don Elder was firedas I predicted in my latest report, but he remains as a free consultant to the company without changing the salary! Hmm!
And as for the "Swedish institutional investor" who bought eight dairy farms here in the North Island, it is almost certainly the first AP fund that invested swedish people pension money. As Per Nygren at the swedish newspaper GP wrote in an email:
First AP Fund has recently invested approximately $ 700 million in dairy, grain and livestock at 30 or so farms. Has also invested in Australia.
First AP fund, which manages more than 221 billion, has invested $100 million in dairy, grain and livestock in some 30 farms in Australia and New Zealand.
By the way, I´m a bit of homesickness. Missing children, grandchildren and friends. Lacks especially coffee mornings with Bosse H and the guys in Movie club.
But I will see you on the 10th of May!
1 comment:
Tjena mannen.
Förstår vad Groucho menar. Även om det går utför kan man ha ganska kul. Och uppför kan man alltid jaga med Jaggan. (Den står för övrigt fortfarande i ditt garage)
Jasså det är trångt på vägarna. Säg till att dom inför trängselskatt. Då blir det lugna gatan.
I övrigt kan berättas att Aftonbladet via Wikileaks avslöjat att Karl Bildt har spionerat för USA sedan 70-talet. Men ingen verkar bry sig. Det anses väl inte vara en nyhet.
Annars är mars månad den kallaste i mannaminne. Och kaffet på Pedagogens café är varmt som ett kvinnohjärta (enligt blondinen bakom disken, a propos Groucho Marx)
Cykla lugnt. Vi ses snart.
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